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9 Superhero Films That Are Incredibly Boring

Fantastic Four

Fantastic Four

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Let’s start with an easy target: Josh Trank’s Sucktastic Four. Not only was this one of the worst films ever made (we can actually see Kate Mara’s wig change across the different scenes, for heaven’s sake), but it also had us chewing our own wrists due to its sheer triteness. Never has a superhero origin story been as dreary as this piece of trash.

Now, forget about the non-existent plot and laugh-out-loud dialogue for a second and let’s discuss the action sequences. Wait, what? You also can’t remember any impressive action scenes that maximize the Fantastic Four’s superpowers? That’s because even when this film tried to venture into the sci-fi it came out looking like something from The CW. It’s like someone decided to parody The Asylum.

Fantastic Four has absolutely no redeeming qualities. Not a single one. We can’t even file it in the it’s-so-bad-it’s-good category, because it bored us to tears. It’s not just the worst superhero film, but arguably the most boring as well.


Can you remember what 2005’s Elektra was about? We can’t, either. Forgetting the fact that this film was a spinoff of 2003’s critically mauled Daredevil, we can all agree that Jennifer Garner’s Elektra was one of the shining lights of that movie. Whether we actually wanted to see her reprise the role again is a story for another time, though.

Surprisingly, the filmmakers included the likes of Typhoid Mary, The Hand, Stick and other Marvel characters in this disaster. Considering Elektra had just over half the budget of Daredevil, it still brought together a wider and more impressive array of characters from the mythos. Unfortunately, though, it did absolutely nothing with them.

The fight scenes were amateurish, as was the overall pacing of this snore-fest. If you were unfortunate enough to watch this at the theater, you probably remember looking at your watch and wondering when it would all be over. Suffice to say, Elektra gets two yawns out of ten from us.