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8 Ways To Fix The X-Men Franchise After Apocalypse

If you in any way side with the critics, you're probably feeling a bit let down by the latest X-Men movie. X-Men: Apocalypse isn't Fantastic 4 nor Green Lantern bad, but when a superhero franchise has reliably been the strongest one out there (sorry Marvel, X-Men is just that bit deeper and more off-the-wall than you), it's disappointing to see it take such a step backwards.

If you in any way side with the critics, you’re probably feeling a bit let down by the latest X-Men movie. X-Men: Apocalypse isn’t Fantastic 4 nor Green Lantern bad, but when a superhero franchise has reliably been the strongest one out there (sorry Marvel, X-Men is just that bit deeper and more off-the-wall than you), it’s disappointing to see it take such a step backwards.

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It’s not critical or audience opinion that matters to the longevity of the X-Men series, however, but the box office, and already X-Men: Apocalypse is shaping up to be a fairly big-hitter. Not Days of Future Past big, but successful enough that another sequel is already in production as we speak.

Still, if 20th Century Fox want to revive the franchise’s reputation and keep bringing audiences back, the sequel to Apocalypse has to be more warmly-received than its 1980s-set predecessor. So on that note, here are eight ways to fix the X-Men franchise after the latest effort so spectacularly dropped the ball.