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8 Ways That Logan Sets Up The Future Of The X-Men Universe

Logan is now in theaters, and while the movie may mark Hugh Jackman's final turn as Wolverine, it still drops some big hints about what's to come from the X-Men Universe going forward. That's not to say it's a release packed full of Easter Eggs or major nods to possible sequels, but there's certainly quite a bit here for fans to pick up on - granted they watch closely, of course.

4) The Next Wolverine?

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Assuming Hugh Jackman doesn’t return to the role of Wolvie, what comes next for the character? Fox could recast, but that brings with it a lot of complications, so what if someone else were to take over the mantle?

X-23 obviously seems perfectly fitted for the part, and with Dafne Keen likely to be a teenager by the time X-Force rolls around, she would also be the right age to suit up and ultimately star in a solo franchise of her own (which could go down the R-Rated route or even into Young Adult territory).

The way things end between her and Logan certainly set the stage for a passing of the mantle, and the loss of her father is bound to push Laura down a heroic path. With X-23 currently suiting up as Wolverine in the comic books, we know there’s precedent for this happening, so the movies following suit definitely feels like the most likely possibility as of right now.