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8 Moments In Avengers: Infinity War That Completely Surprised Us

Avengers: Infinity War is the culmination of the past ten years of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Every movie in the series, to some degree, has paved the way for all of the galaxy's mightiest heroes to come together to take on Thanos as he attempts to collect all six Infinity Stones and decimate the universe. As the Russos have put it, this is the beginning of the final chapter of the book that started in 2008's Iron Man.

Vision Dies… Twice

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You could make the argument that Vision was so overpowered in his previous appearances that it was a little hard to care what happened to him. That’s not the case inĀ Infinity War, though. After being gravely injured by the Black Order early on in the film, he’s practically a damsel in distress throughout the rest of the runtime, as Thanos’ forces hunt him down and his fellow heroes, in particular hisĀ girlfriend, Scarlet Witch, have to protect him.

When push comes to shove and Thanos is coming for him in Wakanda, he makes Wanda promise to kill him and destroy the Mind Stone to prevent the villain from getting it. What follows is a hugely emotional scene as the star-crossed lovers have to say goodbye in the most intense, high stakes and difficult way imaginable as Vision’s blasted into atoms by the person who loves him. It’s an interesting callback to a similar situation with Star-Lord and Gamora earlier in the film, but this time it actually happens.

Well, briefly. Being the utter b*stard that he is, Thanos then uses his Time Stone to rewind the event and bring Vision back to life – only to kill him all over again by violently ripping the Mind Stone out of his head. The sight of the color draining out of the android’s body, and Wanda having to grieve for him once more, might just tear your heart in two. And if that didn’t do it, what happened next will…