7) Batman Of Zur-En-Arrh
In a notorious Silver Age story, Bruce Wayne is teleported to the planet Zur-En-Arrh where an alien scientist has been monitoring his adventures on Earth. Inspired by him, he has become the Batman of his world, but now he needs the real Bats’ help to defeat some robot invaders.
More recent comics have retooled Batman of Zur-En-Arrh as an alternate personality of Bruce’s after he is attacked with psychotropic drugs. In those, his name comes from a mangled version of the last words he heard his father say: “the sad thing is they’d probably throw someone like Zorro in Arkham.”
Even so, the character is just too bonkers to make it to the screen. Besides, the colourful costume is completely at odds with the cinematic Batmen’s penchant for black. LEGO Batman would hate it.