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8 Reasons Why X-Men: Apocalypse Is The Best Instalment In The Franchise To Date

The reviews for X-Men: Apocalypse have been pretty mixed, which comes as a genuine shock after the overwhelmingly positive response to X-Men: Days of Future Past two years ago. I, for one, loved the movie, and as someone who has always been highly critical of this franchise (Bryan Singer's work in particular), Apocalypse really does feel like the best instalment to date.

3) It Finally Delivers A Satisfying Take On Wolverine’s Origin

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Weapon X

X2 did a pretty good job of teasing Wolverine’s origin story, but X-Men Origins: Wolverine took that and just completely fucked it up in the biggest way possible. However, in the space of just a few minutes, X-Men: Apocalypse delivers a far more satisfying take than both of those in regards to how Logan gained an Adamantium skeleton and lost his memories.

In a gloriously bloody and violent sequence, we finally see Wolverine as Weapon X (helmet and all) as he slices his way through Stryker’s men in a bid to escape. This tells us all we need to know about what the hero has gone through and does so in a way which pays homage to the source material in a satisfying fashion.

Simple, to the point, and a lot of fun, this is how you handle a cameo.