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8 Reasons Why X-Men: Apocalypse Is The Best Instalment In The Franchise To Date

The reviews for X-Men: Apocalypse have been pretty mixed, which comes as a genuine shock after the overwhelmingly positive response to X-Men: Days of Future Past two years ago. I, for one, loved the movie, and as someone who has always been highly critical of this franchise (Bryan Singer's work in particular), Apocalypse really does feel like the best instalment to date.

7) The Trilogy Is Brought Full Circle

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Considering the fact that he didn’t direct X-Men: First Class and had little to no involvement in the reboot, it’s surprising just how much Bryan Singer references that movie here. Using scenes from it as flashbacks and referencing it on a number of occasions, the filmmaker does an excellent job of bringing the trilogy full circle, which makes X-Men: Apocalypse feelĀ like a really satisfying experience as a result.

That’s particularly the case with Magneto’s story arc. While having him once again go off on his own feels like something of a mistake, his journey in particular feels like it’s over now, even though there’s definitely room for him to return. Touching on Charles’ relationship with Moira MacTaggert also proves to be a wise move andĀ ends up having a really satisfying payoff.