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8 Reasons Why X-Men: Apocalypse Is The Best Instalment In The Franchise To Date

The reviews for X-Men: Apocalypse have been pretty mixed, which comes as a genuine shock after the overwhelmingly positive response to X-Men: Days of Future Past two years ago. I, for one, loved the movie, and as someone who has always been highly critical of this franchise (Bryan Singer's work in particular), Apocalypse really does feel like the best instalment to date.

8) It Finally Feels Like A Superhero Movie

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X-Men was really the first superhero movie of the modern era, but neither that nor the sequels and reboots which have followed have ever really felt like a “superhero” movie (especially when you compare them to Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man trilogy or any of the Marvel Studios releases). X-Men: Apocalypse, however, does feel more like a traditional comic book adaptation, and that could explain why critics have responded to it the way they have.


Personally, I don’t consider the decision to take this franchise in that direction a bad thing, and in all honesty, it’s about damn time that the X-Men are portrayed like the superheroes fans know and love from the comic books. The other good thing about this new tone is the fact that it’s now much easier to imagine these heroes sharing Deadpool’s world.