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8 Questions That Star Wars: The Force Awakens Needs To Answer

There are a number of burning fan questions that are clearly (read: hopefully) going to be answered in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. We have questions of whether Rey and Kylo Ren are of Skywalker lineage, how the dregs of the Empire became the First Order, who the Knights of Ren are, where the hell the trailer-absent Luke Skywalker fits into this new trilogy - these are all things that The Force Awakens will simply have to clear up for the audience, simply in order for the film to progress and for viewers to catch up.

1) What Is The Status Of Coruscant?

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In the prequels, Coruscant plays a major role as the kind of ‘capital city’ of the galaxy and the home of the Jedi council. It’s where the galactic senate resides before Chancellor Palpatine becomes Emperor Palpatine, turning Coruscant into a kind of HQ of evil from which the Empire grows.

In the Star Wars films that follow, there is only a glimpse of Coruscant – you can see a giant statue of the Emperor being toppled there at the end of Jedi – but the sense is still very much that Coruscant is at the center of the galaxy.

After the Empire collapsed, did Coruscant once again become a free planet, aligned with the Rebels? And when the First Order arose out of the ashes of the Empire, did this revived faction take over again in Coruscant?

It looks like The Force Awakens will spend much of its time on new planets Jakku and Starkiller Base, but hopefully it won’t elect to ignore what’s been going on over at what at least was the most important and influential planet in the galaxy.