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8 Questions That Star Wars: The Force Awakens Needs To Answer

There are a number of burning fan questions that are clearly (read: hopefully) going to be answered in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. We have questions of whether Rey and Kylo Ren are of Skywalker lineage, how the dregs of the Empire became the First Order, who the Knights of Ren are, where the hell the trailer-absent Luke Skywalker fits into this new trilogy - these are all things that The Force Awakens will simply have to clear up for the audience, simply in order for the film to progress and for viewers to catch up.

7) What Happened To Wedge Antilles?

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Denis Lawson’s response to being asked to make an appearance in the new Star Wars trilogy was pretty definitive: no, not ever. (apparently, it would “bore” him). So, there’ll be no Wedge Antilles in Episode VII or any future sequels, leaving it to the returning Nien Nunb and Admiral Ackbar to play the veterans of the Resistance.

Still, it’s a shame: though Wedge wasn’t the most major player in the original trilogy, this is Star Wars, and the fans want to know what happened to one of the best men the Rebel Alliance ever produced.


Like Lando Calrissian, Wedge was one of the great heroes for the Rebels, assisting in vital victories in both Death Star battles and playing a role in the battle of Hoth. By The Force Awakens, he should be some kind of Resistance legend.

Of course, Lawson’s absence means that the fate of Wedge will have to be told by another, but it should be told all the same.