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8 Planned Movie Sequels That Unfortunately Never Happened

A lot of sequels are unneeded, but some movies really deserved a follow-up but never got one. Here are 8 planned movie sequels we're sad never happened.

Gladiator 2, Sequels

6) Batman Unchained

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The fact that a third Batman movie directed by Joel Schumacher never happened isn’t something that keeps many Bat-fans up at night, but hear us out, because there was actually a lot of promise in this discarded sequel.

Batman Unchained (commonly known on the internet by the fanmade name Batman Triumphant) was the planned follow-up to Batman and Robin, which would have seen George Clooney reprise his role.

For the film, Schumacher was going to rein in the campiness of his previous efforts and tell more of a psychological drama, with Scarecrow and Harley Quinn (here, the Joker’s daughter) teaming up to drive Batman insane. The awesome-sounding climax would have involved a drugged-up Bats hallucinating and meeting all his previous enemies – including Jack Nicholson’s Joker and Danny DeVito’s Penguin.

We don’t know about you, but that sounds pretty awesome to us. After all, who wouldn’t want to see a Batman movie with every villain ever in it?