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8 Planned Movie Sequels That Unfortunately Never Happened

A lot of sequels are unneeded, but some movies really deserved a follow-up but never got one. Here are 8 planned movie sequels we're sad never happened.

Gladiator 2, Sequels

8) Unbreakable 2 (And 3)

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Something of a flop upon release, M. Night Shyamalan’s unusual superhero film Unbreakable now has a fairly strong cult following. Its fans are still crushed, then, that the plan for the movie to form the first part in a trilogy never occurred.

Though evidence is conflicting, some sources say that Shyamalan devised the trilogy as a stretched-out version of the usual superhero movie narrative; Unbreakable was the origin story, the second one would have followed the period where he’s saving people and the third would have seen him go up against his nemesis. After the disappointing box office return of the movie, however, all sequel plans were nixed.

In recent years, stars Bruce Willis and Samuel L Jackson have both expressed interest in returning, though Shyamalan apparently hasn’t. Considering how his career’s been panning out lately, though, an Unbreakable 2 might actually be a good idea for the director…