6) Stacy X
Deadpool is a naughty boy at heart, so it wouldn’t be much of a stretch to imagine him spending time with a mutant prostitute who possesses the power to stimulate people’s bodily functions.
Poo jokes, vomit, uncontrollable orgasms… nothing is too sacred for Stacy X, whose short tenure with the X-Men was blighted by bizarre flirtations with Angel and the highly religious Nightcrawler.
When Stacy X’s mutation first developed, her skin hardened into snake-like scales, because… comics, so if Wade’s romance with Vanessa doesn’t work out, perhaps he could find love with someone who looks almost as grossĀ as him. To paraphrase Deadpool’s friend Weasel, Stacy X looks like an avocado had sex with an older, more disgusting avocado… and was then eaten by a snake who died and rotted soon after.
Whether she used her powers to make others orgasm or vomit for no explicable reason, Stacy X would certainly fit into the hilarious R-rated world of Deadpool and let’s face it; she hasn’t got a chance in hell of appearing in the other family friendly X-Men movies.