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8 Burning Questions We Have After The Avengers: Endgame Trailer

The first trailer for Avengers: Endgame produced more questions than it did answers, and here are the 8 biggest mysteries we're pondering after watching.

Where Are The Rest Of The Surviving Heroes?

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The Avengers: Endgame trailer was never going to be stuffed with heroes, after what happened in Infinity War, but there are some important members of the already limited number of characters still around that we don’t see in the teaser, even accounting for Captain Marvel’s absence.

The most obvious is War Machine. You’d expect Rhodey to be present in the scenes featured at the Avengers facility, though we only ever see Steve, Nat and Bruce – bizarrely, there doesn’t seem to be anyone else at the HQ, even staff members. Sure, they should be a little short-staffed, but half the workforce would still be there.

So, what’s happened to Rhodey? Well, maybe he’s returned to the military. In a world that’s no doubt descended into chaos following the Decimation, they might need a man like him back on the Air Force.

The other big missing person is Rocket. The last of the Guardians was last seen with the Avengers in Wakanda. Given their friendship, he’d presumably hang around with Thor now that he’s stuck on Earth. However, we don’t see him with the God of Thunder in the brief glimpse of Thor we do get. It’s possible he’s disappeared back into space following the events between IW and Endgame‘s beginning, but that’s just speculation on our part.