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8 Major Cinematic Influences On Star Wars: A New Hope

Star Wars didn’t start out as a multi-million dollar franchise. It started out as a film about a farm boy, a princess, a smuggler, a wise man, and a couple of bickering droids who took on an evil empire. The original Star Wars, eventually renamed Episode IV: A New Hope in recognition of its place in the franchise, didn’t just spring fully formed out of George Lucas’s mind. Like all great films, it stood on the shoulders of cinematic giants and incorporated other, equally great films into its mythos, referencing everything from old serials to the samurai epics of Akira Kurosawa.


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Practically every major sci-fi film owes some kind of debt to Fritz Lang’s original dystopian movie Metropolis. The visual aesthetic of Blade Runner wouldn’t exist without Metropolis – and many of the images in the Star Wars prequel trilogy directly reference Lang’s dystopian but indulgent world. While A New Hope will take more of its visual aesthetic from other sci-fi films, it does reference Metropolis in the construction of one key character.


The design of C-3PO is a clear homage to the robot Maria in Lang’s Metropolis. The big eyes with pinpoint pupils, the stiff, silent-film movement, cantilevered joints, and even the extremely oval shape of the head, all have their aesthetic based in Maria’s design. The similarities end there: C-3PO is not exactly meant to act as a messianic distraction or a creator’s fevered dream of rebuilding his dead wife, but it’s a neat little homage to one of the original sci-fi epics.