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The 8 Best Female Characters In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

The Marvel Cinematic Universe, across the 13 movies and four TV shows released so far, has built up a wide array of heroes, anti-heroes and villains. It has to be said, though, that a disproportionate amount of them are men.

6) Karen Page

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One of Daredevil’s strengths is its tackling and subverting of the tropes of the superhero genre. One of the most interesting ways it does this is in the presentation of Karen Page, who generally eschews the usual role of the love interest who repeatedly needs saving.

As the show has gone on, more and more layers to the character have been revealed. She entered the series as the typical damsel in distress, as she needed Nelson & Murdock’s help after being framed for murder, but we later learnt of her own murky past and even saw her kill a man (poor Wesley). Much more than the often victimized secretary from the comics, the MCU’s Karen is pretty much secondary protagonist of the show.

Now that she knows that Matt Murdock is Daredevil, we expect more interesting stuff to come from the character in season three.