1) Rear Window
Hitchcock again, proving he was surely the master of the single location movie. (Along with Rear Window and Rope, Hitch also made Lifeboat, a film set entirely on a raft escaping a sinking wartime ship. You’d think his obligatory cameo would be impossible to fit into that one, but nope, he manages it.) So good it might just be Hitchcock’s best, Rear Window is also the finest example of a single location, one-room movie.
Holed up in his apartment following a work-related accident, LB Jefferies (James Stewart) takes to spying on his neighbors as a way of passing the time until his broken leg heals. Looking through his window-perched binoculars one day, he witnesses what appears to be a murder – leading to all sorts of typically tension-filled hijinks from Hitchcock, and the sight of Jimmy Stewart losing his mind with paranoiac panic.