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8 Other Early Superheroes Who Deserve Their Own Movies

With Doc Savage coming up, it might be time for the genre to refresh itself by diving right back to the beginnings of superheroes.

1) Masks

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Here’s an idea: why not combine several of these early superheroes and have them star in one big team-up movie? As previous films based on some of them have shown, they sadly might not be big enough draws outside of comic book nerds to lead their own franchises. But one film that features a group of them could still fly.

Dynamite Entertainment had the idea first with their Masks comic series. The book brings together the likes of The Shadow, The Spider, The Green Hornet (who really needs a reboot after the 2011 Seth Rogen misfire) and even Zorro! It sees the vigilantes team up to stop an American offshoot of the Nazis.

An alternate history superhero movie, about superheroes operating during the war, could be an awesome, darker take on the genre – perhaps similar to Watchmen. Plus, we need really do need more superheroes with stylish headgear on our screens.