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8 Other Early Superheroes Who Deserve Their Own Movies

With Doc Savage coming up, it might be time for the genre to refresh itself by diving right back to the beginnings of superheroes.

6) The Crimson Avenger

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First featuring in Detective Comics #20, The Crimson Avenger has the honour of being DC’s first ever masked hero. In truth, he was heavily inspired by the likes of The Shadow and The Green Hornet – with a snappy colour-coordinated dress sense and an Asian sidekick (the Kato-like Wing).

It would be great to see this important character in DC’s history get his chance in the limelight. In a similar way to what Marvel did with Captain America: The First Avenger, a Crimson Avenger movie could be a part of the DCEU and showcase the original costumed hero in that universe.

Alternatively, they could do a film of his early superhero team The Seven Soldiers of Victory, which also features western-themed hero The Vigilante, medieval immortal Shining Knight and none other than Green Arrow (who obviously needs to get a solo movie soon, as well).