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8 Bat-Family Members Who We Need To See On The Big Screen Soon

Batman might be the DC superhero with the most movies under his belt, and his rogues gallery have passed into popular culture, but his evergrowing bunch of sidekicks and crime-fighting associates have been poorly treated on film. The only one that has really tried to tackle the idea of a Batfamily is Batman & Robin and we all know how that turned out.

5) Kate Kane (Batwoman)

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Despite it being 2016, there is still a distinct lack of female superheroes around. TV is doing fine with the likes of Jessica Jones and Supergirl, but things on the movie front really need to pick up, and fast.

Enter Batwoman: the Bat-Family’s most independent female hero. Though she might not be as well-known as Batgirl, she deserves to be as she is much more than just another sidekick for Batman. As well as being as strong as the Dark Knight, the modern incarnation of the character is a lesbian, which would again help with the diversifying of on-screen superheroes.

In the wake of bad guy-led movie Suicide Squad, how about a film centring on Gotham’s female heroes going against its female villains? We assume it would get a lot of backing from fans, and Batwoman could heavily feature in it.