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8 Awesome Moments From The Wonder Woman Comic-Con Trailer

Wonder Woman is a movie which has been stuck in development hell for years now, with Warner Bros. seemingly reluctant to move forward with a female led superhero blockbuster after seeing the way the likes of Catwoman and Elektra flopped. Finding the right story also always seemed to be a challenge for them, too, and not even Joss Whedon could talk them into making it.

3) A Very Different Tone To Batman V Superman

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Wonder Woman 10

By this stage, you don’t need me to remind you of the numerous complaints which have been levelled at Batman V Superman over the past few months, but the one that still stands out is the fact that it simply wasn’t “fun” enough. Agree or disagree, this first look at Wonder Woman offers up a very different tone to both that and Man of Steel.

The World War I setting could have very easily led to this being an overly dark and gritty affair, and while those battle scenes clearly aren’t taking this real life historical event too lightly, there are some other great moments of humour featured here. Those include the first meetings between Diana and Steve and Diana and Etta, both of which lead us to believe that Jenkins has found the right balance for this movie.