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8 Awesome Moments From The Wonder Woman Comic-Con Trailer

Wonder Woman is a movie which has been stuck in development hell for years now, with Warner Bros. seemingly reluctant to move forward with a female led superhero blockbuster after seeing the way the likes of Catwoman and Elektra flopped. Finding the right story also always seemed to be a challenge for them, too, and not even Joss Whedon could talk them into making it.

5) The Mystery Villain

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Wonder Woman 5

As of right now, we still don’t know who or what the villain/s will be in Wonder Woman. Ares has been rumoured, and if so, chances are that Danny Huston is playing him, as we see here that he’s a German higher up who Diana seemingly intends to dispatch of. Why is the God of War pulling the strings, though?

Well, he obviously thrives in a world where a war like this is raging, but the reasons Diana leaves her home to get involved with all of this is something we simply don’t know as of right now. Whatever the answer may be, he looks like a pretty formidable threat, as does that mysterious woman in the mask. If anything, the trailer just emphasizes the fact that we still know very little about Wonder Woman, and at this early stage, that’s not necessarily a bad thing.