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8 Awesome Moments From The Wonder Woman Comic-Con Trailer

Wonder Woman is a movie which has been stuck in development hell for years now, with Warner Bros. seemingly reluctant to move forward with a female led superhero blockbuster after seeing the way the likes of Catwoman and Elektra flopped. Finding the right story also always seemed to be a challenge for them, too, and not even Joss Whedon could talk them into making it.

7) The Lasso

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Wonder Woman 6

We got to see Wonder Woman wield the Lasso of Truth in Batman V Superman, and it’s great to see the same glowing effect return for her solo movie. However, while it was used sparingly in Dawn of Justice, as Diana attempted to overpower Doomsday, it looks like it will be one of her most trusted weapons in Wonder Woman.

Seeing her use it to take down these soldiers points to the lasso playing a key role in scenes like this, and that’s no bad thing, especially as it offers up a bit of variation from the typical hand to hand combatĀ or swordplay.

One thing this trailer doesn’t address though is whether or not the lasso compels those touched by it to tell the truth, and it would be a shame to see that left out. Hopefully we’ll see it being used for both that and as a weapon, as it’d make Diana an even bigger badass.