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8 Actors Who Were Sadly Wasted In X-Men Movies

The X-Men franchise has always managed to nab high quality performers, from proper thespians like Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen in the original trilogy to younger, upcoming talent like Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence and James McAvoy in the prequel films.

5) Olivia Munn

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The decision to include Psylocke as one of the Four Horsemen in Apocalypse was actually very late in the day, after it was realized how perfect Olivia Munn would be for the part. While you can’t fault the casting, the late addition of the character really shows. Sadly, Munn has nothing more to do than be Apocalypse’s scantily-clad backing dancer.

This is a real shame, as Psylocke (AKA Betsy Braddock) has a long and interesting history in the comics. For one, she is usually a good guy – being the sister of Captain Britain, she would have to be. It’s a real shame that the character couldn’t have switched sides like Storm and joined the X-Men as well.

She’ll surely reappear in the next movie though, so hopefully Munn will become an ally to the team and actually, you know, have more than two lines of dialogue.