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8 Oscar Nominees That Deserve To Win (But Will Definitely Lose)

Anybody who's read The Hollywood Reporter's annual Brutally Honest Oscar Ballots series will know that Academy Awards aren't always handed out based on merit. In fact, it's rare to find one of THR's secret Oscar voters voting based on quality; more often than not, a vote will be cast based on what the voter's peers are doing or whether or not they feel a candidate 'deserves' it. Sometimes voters make their decisions without even having watched the movies.

1) Best Actor

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Will win: Leonardo DiCaprio, The Revenant

Should win: Michael Fassbender, Steve Jobs

After years of fan dismay, it seems the time has finally come for Leonardo DiCaprio to win the Oscar denied to him for so long. First nominated 22 years ago, DiCaprio’s Best Actor nom for The Revenant will translate into a win seemingly largely because it’s ‘his time.’ Although, anybody who’s actually seen The Revenant surely won’t think DiCaprio’s stint as Hugh Glass ranks among his best work. His most challenging role, perhaps, but Oscar-worthy? No, definitely not.

The Wolf of Wall Street was DiCaprio’s masterpiece; in his latest movie, he’s little more than a prop for director Inarritu to place amidst the harsh elements.

Just compare it to Michael Fassbender’s take on Steve Jobs. Fassbender’s turn in the movie of the Apple founder’s life is layered, a performance of contradictions and complexity. It’s quite possibly some of the greatest work to date by one of this generation’s best.