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7 Ways In Which Suicide Squad Is DC’s Guardians Of The Galaxy

Quirky Humor And Tonal Shift For Respective Universes

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Jai Courtney in Suicide Squad

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been known for its ability to keep a sense of levity even when the stakes are high, but even so, Guardians of the Galaxy took the humor to absurd new heights. Once you bring a machine gun-toting raccoon and a walking tree into the mix, it’s a clear sign to moviegoers that anything can happen. In addition, Guardians of the Galaxy introduced the most cosmic adventure yet for the MCU, and just as that film opened the franchise up to new possibilities with a cheeky sense of humor, Suicide Squad follows suit.

Ayer’s movie introduces viewers to their first glimpse of the amoral underbelly of DC anti-heroes (more on that in a moment) and all the humorous possibilities that entails. Oh, and by the way, it also brings mysticism into the mix for good measure, folding in a new dimension to the DCEU that Marvel is only now embracing in full with this fall’s Doctor Strange.