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7 Ways That DC And Warner Bros. Are Screwing Up Their Cinematic Universe

1) Promotional Problems

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A cynic’s view of the MCU and the DCEU might be that the quality of the films don’t even really matter. They’re superhero movies – these things have inbuilt fanbases that guarantee success (though don’t anybody tell that to Josh Trank). A studio just needs to get the advertising right to draw in those moviegoers not already in the know. So, if we’re to take the view that it’s not about what’s in the superhero movie package at all, but the marketing of that package, then Warner Bros. is clearly doing something wrong.

There has to be a reason why DCEU movies under-perform and MCU movies are always direct hits. And it’s likely all in the promotion, or lack thereof.

Whereas Marvel Studios builds anticipation for its films months in advance, you only have to look to the lackluster marketing campaign for BvS to know Warner Bros hasn’t yet learnt the knack. Forget the quality of the movie: if Warner Bros/DC don’t get enough people in to watch their films so they can make their money back, there’s not for long going to be any justification for even building a DC universe.