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7 Ways In Which Avengers: Age Of Ultron Has Changed The MCU Forever

Pity our American cousins for a moment. While the rest of the world have finally laid their eyes on the most anticipated movie since... well, the first Avengers, movie fanatics in the US still have to wait a whole extra week before they too can watch Age of Ultron in all of its action packed glory.

6) Hulk’s Reputation

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Bruce Banner’s monstrous alter ego isn’t exactly your friendly neighbourhood Hulk, but the Green Goliath redeemed himself in the public eye during the battle of New York City, joining forces with Earth’s Mightiest Heroes in the first Avengers to fend off an alien invasion. With his team membership confirmed, it seemed like the Hulk would finally be accepted by the masses and enjoy life as a hero.

Unfortunately, the Scarlet Witch destroyed any good will generated by the Hulk’s previous heroics when she used her abilities to enrage him beyond all reasoning, seemingly destroying half of South Africa in the process. The Hulk had previously been perceived as an important member of the Avengers, but news footage of him fighting fellow team mate Iron Man in his Hulkbuster armour will have certainly shaken the public’s perception of both the Green Goliath and the team as a whole.

Mention is made of the government potentially seeking Bruce Banner’s arrest, and while his actions in the film’s finale may have redeemed his alter ego to a point, seeds of distrust have now been planted in the minds of both the general public and the government, which will have serious consequences down the line, ultimately building towards….