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7 Superhero Movies With Terrific Plot Twists

Within the superhero genre, there have been many, many plot twists implemented, and here, you'll find 7 of the very best.

7) Unbreakable – Mr. Glass Was Behind Everything

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It should come as no surprise that a superhero film directed by The Sixth Sense writer/director M. Night Shyamalan would contain a good plot twist given that it’s a trait of his career.

M. Night wrote the cult classic Unbreakable with this idea in mind about origin stories, and, as the film progresses, viewers see that play out in motion. Initially beginning with him miraculously surviving a train crash, Bruce Willis’ David Dunn slowly learns about the heroic secrets that have been governing his life since childhood. Initially startled, and even resistant, at first, Dunn ultimately decides to embrace his alter ego thanks to advice from Samuel L. Jackson’s wise Eljiah Price, culminating in a rain-soaked showdown against the main antagonist known as the Orange Man. Or so it would seem.

At the very end of the film, Dunn shakes Price’s hand to thank him for everything he’s done, only to gain a glimpse into his past where it’s revealed that Price was behind numerous terrorist attacks, including the train incident. All of this was for one reason: to find his purpose in life as a supervillain and archenemy to Dunn. As Dunn leaves in shock, Price accepts his new role as Mr. Glass.