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8 Modern Survival Movies That’ll Put You Off Going Outdoors

One of the great things about cinema is its ability to transport you to places you've never seen and into situations you've never experienced. In a darkened room at the local multiplex, a viewer can be taken to those hard-to-reach parts of the globe that they'd otherwise never visit, placed in a scenario they never dreamed of finding themselves in.

1) Everest

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Declared by some to be the Gravity of 2015, it’s easy to see why the parallels were made between Alfonso Cuaron’s Oscar-winning film and Everest: Almost unbearably tense and gripping, there’s a very real sense in Everest – as in Gravity – of the desperation felt way out of the realm of human safety, far away from help and even further away from home. The difference is that where Gravity was fiction, Everest is factual, and documents a trip that you yourself could take should you wish to do so.

Not that you’d be likely to after seeing Everest, a film that confirms that, even if you survive surmounting the world’s biggest mountain, you could go home minus a nose and all the fingers you went up with. What starts out as a bit of a lark soon descends into pure survival horror, as even experienced climbers freeze to death and get sent plummeting to their doom by a savage snowstorm.

See it in 3D for the ultimate impact, and put yourself off mountains for life.