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7 Superhero Movies That Have Totally Unfair IMDb Ratings

Superhero fans are a highly opinionated bunch, with wars often waged in internet comments sections over whether the latest comic book movie was a rousing success or just plain sucked. However, most do generally reach a consensus over a movie’s worth.

2) Captain America: The Winter Soldier – 7.8

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While The First Avenger was good, there’s no denying that The Winter Soldier was better. Perhaps the smartest MCU movie yet, the Russo brothers brought the house down with their first Marvel film that told a tight, 70s-style conspiracy thriller.

Its score on IMDb is not too shabby – a very respectable 7.8 – but it isn’t anything particularly special. For a film that remains the favourite Marvel movie of many fans, it really deserves to be boosted up to a nice round 8.0, at least. It’s currently not even a whole one point above Iron Man 2 and is even 0.1 lower than Iron Man at 7.9.  Obviously, that one introduced us all to Robert Downey Jr’s franchise-defining turn as Tony Stark, but it probably isn’t an all-round better movie than Winter Soldier, if we were honest with ourselves.

Only two MCU movies have actually managed to check off the coveted 8.o rating. One of those is Guardians of the Galaxy with 8.1. The other one, though, we think deserves a little bit more…