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7 Superhero Movies That Have Totally Unfair IMDb Ratings

Superhero fans are a highly opinionated bunch, with wars often waged in internet comments sections over whether the latest comic book movie was a rousing success or just plain sucked. However, most do generally reach a consensus over a movie’s worth.

6) X2 – 7.5

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2002’s X2 is the film that started the commonly held rule of thumb that superhero sequels are better than the first ones. Adding in fan favourite Nightcrawler and further exploring Wolverine’s origins, Bryan Singer took what already worked in the first X-Men and made it great.

Or, as IMDb would have it, pretty good – as the film has managed the decent, but not outstanding, score of 7.5 on the site. This is only 0.1 more than 2000’s X-Men, which is generally not talked about in the same revered tones as its follow-up.

The real head-scratching thing here, however, is that X2 is rated lower than both First Class and Days of Future Past, which users have awarded 7.8 and 8.0, respectively. While these are both great films with a lot of fans, we’re not sure they have the rewatch-ability of X2 or indeed its impact on superhero movies.

Surely X2 deserves to be bumped up to at least an 8.0 as well, right?