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7 Superhero Movies That Have Totally Unfair IMDb Ratings

Superhero fans are a highly opinionated bunch, with wars often waged in internet comments sections over whether the latest comic book movie was a rousing success or just plain sucked. However, most do generally reach a consensus over a movie’s worth.

7) Superman II – 6.8

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Christopher Reeve truly made us believe that a man could fly, and a lot of the credit belongs to his costume designers. From the iconic hair curl to the red underwear and yellow belt, Reeve didn't just look like the Man of Steel, he embodied him. So much so, in fact, that comic book artists would use Reeve as inspiration for Superman for decades.

Superman II is a stone cold classic of the then burgeoning comic book film genre, with star Christopher Reeve himself – who was critical of the later films in the franchise – naming it “the best of the series.” Well, sorry, Christopher, IMDb users don’t seem to agree with you, as they only gave Superman II a disappointing 6.8. The first Superman, meanwhile, achieved a 7.3.

It’s fair enough that Superman, the movie that made every subsequent superhero film possible, should get extra points, but is Superman II really that far below it in terms of quality? Many would disagree, as a lot of Superman fans even prefer it to the original. After all, it brought us Terence Stamp as the deliciously camp General ‘Kneel Before’ Zod.

What really proves this rating is unjust, though, is that Superman Returns has got 6.1 on the site, just 0.7 notches below II. It’s bizarre that these two movies, which usually occupy polar opposite positions in ‘best of’ lists, should be within the same ballpark, don’t you think?