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7 Reasons Why Universal Should Un-Cancel Pacific Rim 2

4) The Sequel Is Set To Explore The Kaiju Homeworld

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pacific rim anteverse

One of the more intriguing aspects of Pacific Rim concerned what laid in wait beyond the Breach, the portal connecting the Earth to the unknown other side. At the other end was the land of the Kaiju, the mysterious Anteverse that was home for both the monsters and the brilliant alien minds that created them.

Glimpsed only briefly in the film, the Anteverse was del Toro going full-on Lovecraftian, with a vision of incomprehensible horror, a fiery, lightning-struck world containing (among other things) a grim Kaiju production line.

It is, understandably, a vision that del Toro wants to return to and explore in earnest for Pacific Rim 2. According to screenwriter Zak Penn, the sequel will expand the Pacific Rim universe and explore the “Kaiju and their origins,” with which will inevitably come another (likely more detailed) look at the Kaiju homeworld.

It’s a place that’s ripe for exploration in a sequel, and will doubtless provide del Toro an opportunity to scratch his Lovecraft itch until his own Mountains of Madness finally gets made.