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9 Disappointing Films With Great Deleted Scenes

WGTC looks back at 9 very disappointing films that for some reason, cut awesome-sounding scenes.

5) Carrie

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Much like the Hancock scenario, it wasn’t just a case of one scene getting cut and subsequently affecting the quality of Kimberly Peirce’s Carrie remake, but a whole bunch of ‘em. Only, the studio that cut this one down and significantly altered the original vision didn’t count on the fact that Carrie had a rabid fanbase, some of whom were prepared to do some sleuthing to find out just what was missing from the truncated and poorly-received theatrical cut.

Lo and behold, those responsible for the online petition for MGM to release a director’s cut of Carrie found that Peirce’s original was full of up to 40 minutes of extra footage. These included crucial scenes from the novel, a brand new opening and ending, found footage elements, and an entire courtroom-set framing device that would essentially turn the movie into a giant flashback.

The fans who’ve done their research say this: that the director’s cut would be the closest we’ve ever gotten to seeing Stephen King’s novel realized for the screen.