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The 7 Best Moments From Zack Snyder’s Films

Wonder Woman’s Arrival (Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice)

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Put aside your feelings for Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice for one second and transport yourself back to the Doomsday battle. Batman’s Batwing has just been destroyed by Lex Luthor’s creation, and the Kryptonian monster stands in front of the Dark Knight poised to turn up the temperature and cook him into Kentucky Fried Bat. Looking hungry for death, Doomsday sets his heat vision on his target and fires away in anger.

Suddenly, a figure drops in between Doomsy and Batsy, repelling the onslaught. As the dust settles, the epic music begins and Wonder Woman stands in her trademark pose. She blasts the creature with a powerful force of energy, before Superman swoops in and knocks him out of the vicinity for a momentary respite. There’s a brief exchange between the three heroes setting the stage for them to stand together as the Trinity for the first time in cinematic history. HOW CAN YOU NOT LOSE YOUR MIND ABOUT THIS?!

Forget about the editing. Ignore the plot holes. Pretend that Jesse Zuckerberg Eisenberg didn’t exist in this universe. This was the single scene that we all wanted to see in film for decades, and boy, was it worth the wait. No one can bring an iconic moment, such as this one, to life quite like Snyder can – and he did so with style.

Tell us, which are your favorite moments from Zack Snyder‘s films? Sound off in the comments section and let us know.