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The 7 Best Moments From Zack Snyder’s Films

First Flight (Man Of Steel)

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Whenever someone complains about 2013’s Man of Steel, we roll our eyes out loud. Would you really prefer another Superman film starring Brandon “Even Arrow Thinks I’m Lame” Routh and directed by Bryan “I Actually Hate the X-Men” Singer instead? No, so suck it up, sweetheart, and admit that Snyder’s version rocked our bodies right.

While the Smallville town fight is up there as a kickass scene in its own right, the brightest spark in the film is undoubtedly Clark’s first flight in his Superman costume. The sheer power and intensity of this monumental event, beautifully complemented by Hans Zimmer’s jaw-dropping music and Amir Mokri’s visuals of the rocks and pebbles shaking, sent shivers down our spines. It’s probably how anyone of us would feel if we took flight for the first time in our boring lives.

Snyder brought some major dreams to life in Man of Steel, but it’s his treatment of Supes’ big debut that ranks up there with some of the most iconic imagery in cinema. Thinking about it even now still raises the tiny hairs on our arms. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s Zack Snyder’s stellar Superman.