4) Jessica Alba – Jessica Cruz
Fans may be surprised to see Geoff John’s latest addition to the Justice League comic on this list and admittedly, the likelihood that Warner Bros. would consider using this little known character is remote indeed, but isn’t it about time we had more female superhero movies? Strides are being made with the announcement that Wonder Woman will star in her own film, but the upcoming DC movie roster is still a giant sausage-fest for the most part.
Johns created Cruz right around the time that DC began to put plans together for their cinematic universe. Since the movies appear to be following the New 52 line-up, it may not be a huge stretch of the imagination to suggest that one of the Justice League’s newest members could also feature in a new Green Lantern movie. Aside from the obvious appeal that a female Green Lantern could have across a range of demographics, choosing Cruz would also be notable as the character is of Latin descent, something rarely seen in comic book movies.
Jessica Alba may have disappointed in the role of Susan Richards a.k.a. The Invisible Woman, but it would be foolish to discount the actress entirely, as her lead part in Dark Angel proved that she’s more than capable of giving the guys a run for their money. Despite working less in recent years, Alba could still be a bankable star if given a role of this magnitude.