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6 Ways That Venom Could Connect To The Marvel Cinematic Universe

Fans have been paying attention with a mix of excitement and apprehension as Sony have been releasing more and more details about their upcoming Spider-Man cinematic universe that, er, won't include Spider-Man. As a weird quirk of Sony's deal with Marvel Studios, Tom Holland is playing Peter Parker in the MCU while the likes of Venom and Silver and Black will take place in their own world.

3) Tom Holland Cameo In Venom

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Inserting Tom Hardy’s Venom into the MCU would be great to see, don’t get us wrong, but it’d likely open a massive can of corporate worms and it’s these behind-the-scenes complications which make it difficult to believe that it could happen. Besides, it’s possible that only giving us a snippet of a Spidey vs. Venom battle would just be frustrating, as we really want to see them go at it properly. Given that, it would probably make more sense for Tom Holland to cameo as Spidey in Venom. Amy Pascal was even asked if this was possible and she gave a positive answer, saying “there is always a chance.”

For one, Sony still have the rights to Spider-Man, so it would presumably be far easier for them to include their own character in one of their movies than Marvel landing a cameo from Venom. Plus, assuming that Venom will stick with something at least vaguely resembling Eddie Brock and the symbiote’s origins from the comics, Peter Parker will have to appear in some form for it to make sense.

He’s surely not going to have a major part in the movie, though, so what we suggest would be to have Tom Holland appear in a flashback scene. Perhaps when Brock first encounters and bonds with the symbiote he gets a vision of where it’s been. The flashback could briefly run through the story of Spidey donning his black suit and then eventually discarding it, leaving the symbiote to find Brock.

There really needs to be some acknowledgement of the symbiote’s prior history with Spider-Man in Venom, otherwise not only will its Spider-Man-esque look not make sense, but the character could end up being too far removed from the villain we love from the comics.