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5 Trilogies That Fell Apart In Their Final Act

If you are going to make a movie trilogy, wouldn't you want the opus of that trilogy to be the final instalment? Wouldn't you make it your goal that the finale blew people's minds and had them walking away with their jaws agape? Of course you would.

The Matrix

RoboCop 3

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Executive: So I was thinking we should make another RoboCop movie. How about we upgrade the suit and make him fly this time? Kids love that shit, right? And that would be a rather easy way to make kids go buy a whole bunch of new RoboCop toys, right? What do you mean, Robocop is not aimed at kids? What do you mean Peter Weller does not want to reprise the role he mastered so well? Oh well, fuck it. MAKE IT ANYWAY!

That is exactly how I imagine the pitch meeting going forĀ RoboCop 3. I also imagine a big mirror in the middle of the table, covered in cocaine. That is the only way this movie makes sense. A bunch of money hungry morons wanted to cash in on this series and try to milk it well past the point it was dry. Maybe this one did not set out to be a trilogy, but there ended up being three movies, so guess what that makes it?

Hell, even the reboot (which lost all the sense of the satire, gore, and anything that made the original work) still got it better than this flying piece of roboshit.