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6 Offensive Comedies That Just Aren’t Funny

Despite having the good intention of making people laugh, comedies can incite controversy, often leading to negative press and even boycotts in extreme cases. Art shouldn't be censored, but it's also worth considering the impact that offensive movies may have on the lives of those who are mocked in these films.

3) Norbit (2007)

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Despite being one of the most famous comedians in Hollywood, Eddie Murphy has made more than his fair share of turkeys over the years. Trying to pick the worst one is akin to Sophie’s Choice, but most would likely choose Norbit as the most offensive.

For some bizarre reason, there was a period in the 2000’s when almost every famous black comedian out there decided it would be hilarious to dress up as an overweight woman and make fart jokes. Turns out it wan’t actually funny in the slightest. Sure, this is certainly offensive to many audiences, but Murphy ups the ante even further by also playing an old Chinese man. This walking stereotype even made me feel uncomfortable in my cinema seat and I’m a white male! And yes… I did pay actual money to see Norbit.

Shockingly, the ‘comedy’ was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Makeup, but perhaps less surprisingly, Norbit also won three of the eight Razzies it was nominated for, including Worst Actor, Worst Supporting Actor and Worst Supporting Actress… a hat trick for Eddie Murphy who played each of the three roles.

Perhaps he would have had better luck with his Dreamgirls Oscar nomination if he had played Jennifer Hudson’s role as well!