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5 Ways Sony Can Move Forward With The Amazing Spider-Man Franchise

I feel legitimately bad for Spider-Man fans, because in an age where comic book films and television shows are all the rage, the popular wall-crawler has had a rough go of it at the multiplex. Sure, we got two great films with Sam Raimi's Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2 that in turn helped kick off the current superhero craze, but since then there's been a steady decline in quality and overall interest in the red and blue web slinger.

2) Make A Deal With Marvel

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The mere fact that Spider-Man isn’t in Marvel’s hands is a point of contention for a lot of fans. As one of the biggest Marvel comics characters and a frequent member of teams like the Avengers and Fantastic Four, Spider-Man feels awfully lonely in his own little cinematic universe. Audiences are clamoring to see Peter Parker on screen with Tony Stark or fighting alongside Hulk and Captain America, and it’s hard to blame them.

It would be great to see Spider-Man share the big screen with Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and to be connected to the ever-expanding Marvel cinematic universe. Unfortunately, how cool something would be isn’t what drives the decision-making process in Hollywood. It’s business. And up until now, business has mandated that Spider-Man and the Avengers exist separately.

Last week, however, we saw a glimmer of hope that Spider-Man could cross over with Marvel, and that Sony executives were willing to come to some sort of agreement with Marvel’s camp to make it happen. We’re not quite sure how true that is, but there’s no denying that a move like that would be a serious boon to both studios and beneficial for all involved. It would help reignite interest in Spider-Man and satiate the appetites of diehard fans. Plus, it would help Marvel expand their brand even more while bringing an incredibly popular and important character into the fold, which could help lead to adaptations of fan-favorite stories like Civil War.