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5 Ways Sony Can Move Forward With The Amazing Spider-Man Franchise

I feel legitimately bad for Spider-Man fans, because in an age where comic book films and television shows are all the rage, the popular wall-crawler has had a rough go of it at the multiplex. Sure, we got two great films with Sam Raimi's Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2 that in turn helped kick off the current superhero craze, but since then there's been a steady decline in quality and overall interest in the red and blue web slinger.

4) Keep Going With The Current Franchise

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Of course, one of the things Sony could do is, well, not do anything different at all and continue with the Amazing Spider-Man franchise as planned. Yes, TASM 2 was a disappointment, but the movie grossed over $700 million worldwide. Yes, the film didn’t make as much as the studio wanted and it’s the lowest-grossing Spider-Man film to date, but it came nowhere close to being a flop and still earned Sony a nice profit. Scrapping the entire series and the current world-building plans becuase of one bad entry just seems foolish.

What Sony can do from here on out is stop interfering so much with the creative process and allow Marc Webb to make the films they want to make. Studio interference was a huge hinderance on both TASM 2 and Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 3, the two worst entries in the franchise. That’s no coincidence.

By regrouping and focusing all of its energy on making the best films possible, Sony could easily overcome the problems presented with TASM 2 and win back some fan goodwill with Sinister Six and The Amazing Spider-Man 3. That would certainly be better than starting from scratch once more, and show audiences some faith in the property and in future films.