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5 Troubling Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Rumors You Need To Know

Star Wars: The Force Awakens may very well have been the most highly anticipated movie of all-time. While some fans ended up being disappointed by J.J. Abrams' decision to pay homage to A New Hope in such a strong way, it was undoubtedly a critical and commercial success, but there's one major downside to that: how can future Star Wars movies ever top it?

3) Gareth Edwards Isn’t Directing The Reshoots

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Rogue One 2

Of all the worrying rumours listed here, this may just be the worst. While reports that Christopher McQuarrie had been brought in to rewrite the script for reshoots were quickly denied, multiple sources have since stated that Tony Gilroy not only supervised story changes, but actually directed the new scenes being filmed.

Any time a movie is taken out of the hands of the original director, it’s undeniably concerning, and while neither of his previous films were perfect, it’s hard to imagine that Monsters and Godzilla helmer Gareth Edwards could have done anything bad enough to justify this treatment.

Of course, if he wasn’t willing to compromise his artistic vision to create the family friendly and lighter toned Rogue One: A Star Wars Story the studio wanted, that would explain why this happened. Why would he put his name to a movie taken out of his hands and made into something he didn’t want it to be, you ask? Well, just look what happened when Josh Trank spoke out against Fox before Fantastic Four was released He hasn’t lined up any projects since and lost the Star Wars movie he was set to direct. Edwards speaking publicly about this could potentially kill his career.