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5 Reasons Why We’re Skeptical Of Deadpool

In only a matter of months we will have a Deadpool movie playing in theaters. That’s right, a Deadpool movie. If someone were to tell me that 5 years ago, I probably would’ve thought they had several drugs in their system. But no, this right here is the real deal.

1) It Looks More Like An Adam Sandler Film Than A Deadpool Film

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Deadpool is a very eccentric and entertaining character. He has such a rich and vibrant history that he has climbed the ranks, in my opinion at least, to becoming one of my favorite comic book anti-heroes. One of the qualities that I absolutely loved about him was his sense of humor, because it wasn’t heavy-handed, and it wasn’t shoved down my throat violently.

From the recent trailer, it seems they are relying heavily on the humor, not using it as a character trait like it should be, but more as a crutch to help keep the character afloat the comic book movie tidal-wave that is on it’s way.

Many fans have stated that ever since Deadpool became “mainstream” and was discovered by the internet, he became a joke machine rather than an actual character. My fear for the film is that we’re just going to get a walking, shooting, joking machine.

In the comics, Deadpool has had some rather important and emotional moments happen to him to show that he’s more than just a comedian. Take for example the time he was actually sexually assaulted by Typhoid Mary. Let me give you the backstory….

Wade was looking for Siryn, a character who he had an odd romantic relationship with. Instead of finding her, he just found a bunch of bad guys and had his day ruined. After dealing with all of that, he finally found Siryn, and instead of her wanting to listen to his complaints, they had a fight that ended with Wade walking off and getting incredibly inebriated. With his senses now toast, “Siryn” found him, and both characters shared an intimate moment.

But alas! Upon coming-to, he found out that the woman he shared a passionate moment with was not “Siryn,” but Typhoid Mary ,who took on the appearance of Siryn to take advantage of Wade.

This left Deadpool in quite a perpetual state of sadness, but it also showed that Wade wasn’t simply a dude who had a knack for cracking jokes, but actually someone who could experience pain and betrayal. My hope is that we’ll see these types of qualities balanced out in the film, instead of Wade just being a flat comedic surface.

All this being said, I hope I’m wrong. I hope that fans will get the Deadpool movie they deserve. What do you think, though? Do you believe that Deadpool is all that it’s cracked up to be. Sound off below!