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5 Reasons Why We’re Skeptical Of Deadpool

In only a matter of months we will have a Deadpool movie playing in theaters. That’s right, a Deadpool movie. If someone were to tell me that 5 years ago, I probably would’ve thought they had several drugs in their system. But no, this right here is the real deal.

2) The Film Better Not Take Place On That Dang Freeway

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If you’ve seen the trailer for Deadpool, you’ll see that all of the action sequences seem to take place on a busy freeway. Hopefully Fox and Tim Miller are smart enough not to place a superhero movie on a freeway for a long period of time. I say this because one can only imagine the chaos if 75% of the film took place on a freeway as cars are zooming by and people are frantically screaming as a man in a red and black costume slice and dices a bunch of armed goons.

And it isn’t only the trailer that makes me have this fear, it’s also the countless set photos we’ve received from this movie, as all of them took place on or around a freeway (even under it). I mean, I guess it would be kind of funny in a cynical way if they actually had this movie take place in mostly one location, but I don’t think it’d be something that fans want to see.