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5 Movies To See In December

December is here, the year is coming to an end, and most importantly, this is the last chance for studios to release their 2013 award-contenders. December always means a ton of great movies hit theaters, and this year is no different, meaning you’ll probably want to spend every second possible watching as many movies as you can.

The Wolf Of Wall Street

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Of all the movies people have been talking about this year, the best may not be coming until the very end. Christmas Day, 2013 Martin Scorsese’s The Wolf Of Wall Street finally hits theaters, and I could not be more excited. It features a phenomenal cast, the previews we’ve seen so far have been as exciting as any, and, in case you weren’t clear, it’s a Martin Scorsese film!

Some people are turned off by long movies, which is absolutely ridiculous. If something is awesome, why would you not want as much of it as possible? (Assuming of course there’s no decline in quality with the additional time.) Scorsese never makes short films, so we knew this was going to be over 2 hours, but a full 2 hours and 59 minutes? If this is as good as I’m hoping, that’s going to make it even better.

Plus there’s the fact this one almost didn’t even get an R rating. It looks like Leo can’t seem to avoid the party movies this year. Not that I want anything to be close to NC-17 purely for the sake of being promiscuous, but there’s obviously some entertainment value in whatever Scorsese has planned, and considering the lifestyle DiCaprio’s character lived, the movie just wouldn’t be right without it. It’s supposed to be a full-on scummy film, and I think that’s just about the perfect sort of movie for DiCaprio at this point.

Speaking of DiCaprio, many are saying this could be the first time he takes home everyone’s favorite little golden statue. I think he’s deserved it, or at least deserved to be in the discussion before, so if people are saying this really is his best performance, then the movie is worth seeing for that alone.

So those are our picks for movies to see in December. Which ones will you be checking out? Let us know in the comments section below.