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5 Movies To See In September

September is upon us and the summer blockbuster season has come to an end, which means there's a bit of a lull in must-see movies hitting theaters. That doesn't mean there aren't any quality films worth checking out this month though, as there are still some very exciting, very highly anticipated releases coming our way.


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Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal have quickly turned themselves into a couple of the most well-respected actors working today. So a film teaming the two up as co-stars had my attention from the minute it was announced.

The excellent cast for Prisoners doesn’t stop with the two leads. Melissa Leo, Terrence Howard, Paul Dano, and Viola Davis are all in the film among plenty of other actors who are very enjoyable to watch. In addition to that cast, the film was shot by Roger Deakins, the cinematographer who should’ve won an Oscar for his work on Skyfall (and about six other movies). Perhaps this will be the film for which he finally gets his award.

The trailer, while not what I originally expected from the movie, is sharp and intriguing, setting the stage for this story of how far a man will go to save his family. Jackman and Gyllenhaal both have plenty of intense scenes of frustration, fury, and ferocious yelling, things they do as well as anyone in the biz.

Prisoners should be one of the most gripping and thrilling dramas of the fall and I highly suggest you check it out.