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5 Movies To See In October

October is here, fall is in full swing, and most importantly, the main string of weekends with award-contending films has finally begun. Between the excellent horror that comes naturally with Halloween's looming presence and the awards races that are beginning to take form, October is always a great time for movies, and this year doesn't look like it'll be any different.


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I’m a huge Stephen King fan and one of the most entertaining films to be adapted from one of his novels is Carrie, which tells the story of a high school girl who finds out she has telekinetic powers that are incredibly devastating. Now the original film is being re-made, and it looks to be another strong entry for the genre.

I was sold on this remake from the instant Chloe Grace Moretz signed on. Usually I’m not a fan of a film getting remade if I enjoy the original. After all, remaking a movie just for the sake of cashing in on the name of the original is not a good thing. I’d much rather see fresh ideas than mediocre re-hashings of movies I love – but if Moretz is involved, well that’s a horse of a different color. She’s a top-notch actress, shining in everything she does. She’s almost past being a child actor, but I’ll still say there’s no child working today who has more potential for a unforgettable career than she does. I’m thrilled to see what she can do as Carrie.

There’s also Julianne Moore, who looks just about perfect playing the mother who cares a little too much about keeping her powerful daughter under control. If you’ve somehow missed all the promotion, check out the trailer, and then get ready to start your October off with some awesome, bloody horror.

Kill Your Darlings


Dane DeHaan is well on his way to proving that he’s one of the best actors working in Hollywood, despite only really being relevant for a little over a year. His break-out role in Chronicle showed just what he is capable of, and in every film since he’s been excellent. In The Place Beyond The Pines he completely stole the show, turning in an awe-inspiring performance that should be remembered by audiences for a long, long time. This month, the actor has two films coming out, but the one I’m most excited for is Kill Your Darlings.

Daniel Radcliffe co-stars and is once again showing that he’s much more than a Wizard who saves all of humanity. He’s capable of playing diverse, and dark roles, and this portrayal of Allen Ginsberg should certainly further that.

The trailers don’t show a ton, but from what I can tell, it looks like a quality period piece telling a story that anyone interested in writing or storytelling in general should enjoy.

We had the chance to catch the movie at TIFF, so if you want more of a reason why this one is worth your time, be sure to check out that review.