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5 Movies To See In June

June is upon us and the summer blockbuster season in underway, and that means there are a ton of great movies hitting theaters. From long awaited sequels to a certain superhero seeking his cinematic redemption, this month is going to be yet another where you may wish you could spend the entire time in the theater. But that isn't realistic, you likely have a job, and other life commitments besides movies, so you're faced with the ever so daunting task of deciding which films are worth your time and money this month.

Monsters University

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There hasn’t been all that much promotion for Monster’s University, but let’s be real, Pixar doesn’t need to do anything to get audiences excited about this movie.

Pixar films are always fantastic and there’s absolutely no reason this prequel won’t follow that mould. The trailers for the movie have been exciting, but again, those previews could’ve just been two minutes of Mike staring at the screen and this movie would’ve still been on my must-see list.

Mike and Sully in college learning to be “scarers” is an incredible idea for a film. The two have such good chemistry in Monsters Inc. that any opportunity to revisit those characters was a must for Pixar. The Scare Games will be awesome to watch, and the opportunity to see a ton of other college-aged monsters is one that simply can’t be passed up.